Hello! I am Karen Crane, and I aspire to live creatively, every single day.
The entrepreneurial spirit runs high in me. In my almost 40 years of working life, I have had only 2 “real” jobs, for a total of about 6 years, and in both of them, my role was to act like the owner. The rest of the time, I have worked for myself, sometimes with a partner, and sometimes alone. I do what generates passion in my heart and soul. Currently, I work from home, designing jewelry that sells both to individuals and to stores, selling unusual quartz crystals and tuning forks to the same group of friends/customers, and developing this Daughter of Deane website. I also teach workshops on a variety of topics, sharing information about the things I do.
Living out my passions is as essential as breathing for me. Sharing my passions with others was a natural evolution that began about 20 years ago, when women seeking personal empowerment gathered in my living room for what we described as “the Wombspace”. I have been told that my teaching style is friendly, and that my ability to clearly identify and define the elements of whatever topic is the current passion works well for people, and a wonderful group of friends, students and supporters have been attracted to my work. I am extremely grateful for this.
In the past two years, visions of the possibilities of working via the internet, teaching and selling items that I believe in. fill my head 24 hours a day. This is my current passion, especially learning to use Social Media to spread the word.
I believe in serendipity, that incredible spark of just the right thing that shows up in your life just when you need it. And thanks to a combination of serendipitous circumstances, (including Paul Wilcox, www.pc-plod.com, a patient and fabulous web designer who appeared from the ethers to help me,) this site is up and running and I am moving into the next phase, which is to make it effectively reach a lot more people than I can reach in person.
Thank you so much for coming to this site, and for reading this little profile about me.
I invite you to play around here, and come back often, because we have only scratched the surface of the things that I intend to share here.
I send you blessings and love,
Karen Crane
Daughter of Deane
PS. And if you really want to know what I have actually done in my life, the following is a partial list. Most of the things will eventually be addressed through the site, so please let me know if you would like to learn about some particular thing sooner, rather than later!
In random order, I have owned a company that manufactured magic wands, taught communication workshops, raised 2 incredible children who are now incredible adults, done network marketing, designed and manufactured goddess clothing, strung gemstone beads into power necklaces, worked as the advertising manager for a new age trade journal, pioneered a product review column for that journal, wrote reviews for almost 10 years, wrote marketing materials for hundreds of new age products, been a bookkeeper, ran an income tax office, participated in a spiritual Long Dance, meditated and taken many drum journeys, used moon cycles to guide my life, do tarot and power card readings, developed a “Moon Cycle, Medicine Wheel” reading protocol, ran psychic fairs in Seattle, read aura photographs, make killer cheesecake and marinara sauce, raised goats, pigs, chickens and apples on a family farm, sold houseplants and nursery stock, ran the youth soccer league in my little town, taught drug and alcohol self-awareness for the US Navy, live with literally a ton of quartz crystals in my house, have bought and sold stones at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, wire-wrap certain stones for power jewelry, intuitively allowed wire and stone “Spirit Friends” to spontaneously create themselves at my worktable, guided women at the “Wombspace”, developed the “Action Continuum” and “Reveal to Heal” communication curriculums and taught workshops, studied vibrational healing of all sorts, focused on sound healing tuning forks, planted gardens, dried rose petals, created spiritual ceremonies, adopted the heart and the spiral as my personal symbols, created Marketing Magic, call myself a new age marketing expert, live with a lovely toy poodle named Sassy, and more…much more….I’ll add to this as time permits. Thanks for reading this!